Please select a collection or category;
"Semblance of Iggy DeJesus"
" Abstracting"
Coming soon, "Disciples of experience " & "Composed forces"
"Semblance of Iggy DeJesus"
" Abstracting"
Coming soon, "Disciples of experience " & "Composed forces"
Below you will see a summary of my collection/categories & some other pieces I have been working on.
thanks, DJ
thanks, DJ
Kill-ah.... from "Semblance of Iggy DeJesus"

Steel me.. Graphite work page

... up for auction at a steelers charity event
Steel me, graphite on paper, framed
.. . . . .SOLD .. . . ..
Steel me, graphite on paper, framed
.. . . . .SOLD .. . . ..

3 piece acrylic original
3 piece acrylic original